Is Reddit Safe To Use?

From quirky cat videos to deep discussions on quantum physics, Reddit has it all. But as with any digital corner of the internet, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows — or in Reddit terms, upvotes and gold awards.

In this blog post, we’ll unravel the safety tapestry of Reddit and put together a toolkit of precautionary measures to ensure your experience on the front page of the internet remains as private as a secret cat society plotting world domination.

What is Reddit?

Reddit is like a gigantic online bulletin board where people from all around the world gather to talk about almost anything you can think of. It’s super popular among young adults.

Reddit is made up of “subreddits,” which are like individual rooms or communities focused on specific topics. Each subreddit is like a different room in a massive online house, and each room is dedicated to discussing something particular. There are rooms for memes, rooms for sharing advice, rooms for discussing movies, and basically rooms for any interest you can imagine.

People post messages, questions, pictures, and videos in these rooms, and others can comment on them and also vote up or down on the post. The coolest part is that you can find a subreddit for almost any interest you have, whether it’s video games, cooking, travel, or cute cat videos.

Is Reddit safe?

Is Reddit safe to use? Why is this even a question? Well, first of all, back in 2016 Reddit raised some eyebrows when it quietly deleted its “surveillance warrant canary.” For those not well-versed in internet privacy jargon, a warrant canary is like a digital canary in a coal mine—it signals if something is amiss. In Reddit’s case, its removal indicated that authorities and government agencies could now ask the platform to provide them with customer data, and Reddit wouldn’t be able to talk about it openly.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Reddit, despite its grassroots origins, is now a massive business operation, akin to the likes of Google or Facebook. With great power comes great responsibility, but also great privacy concerns. There’s a possibility that Reddit could pass your data to third parties for marketing purposes. After all, advertising is one of Reddit’s primary sources of revenue, and your data becomes a valuable tool for precisely targeting those ads.

So, while Reddit can be a treasure trove of information and entertainment, it’s crucial to recognize that your data isn’t entirely cloaked in secrecy on this platform. In our next sections, we’ll delve deeper into how you can navigate the potential privacy pitfalls and keep your Reddit experience as safe and private as possible.

Tips for using Reddit safely

By following these tips, you can enjoy your Reddit experience while minimizing potential risks to your privacy and security.

Guard your personal information. Reddit is a vast community, and you never truly know who you’re interacting with. So, it’s wise not to share your personal details like your full name, address, phone number, or financial information. Keep your identity as anonymous as possible.

Fortify your passwords. Strong, unique passwords are your first line of defense. Create complex, uncrackable passwords in seconds with the free password generator by HQ VPN.

Report inappropriate content. Reddit has guidelines against harassment and inappropriate behavior. If you encounter any content or interactions that make you uncomfortable or violate the rules, report them to Reddit administrators or the moderators of the specific subreddit. Reporting helps maintain a safer environment for everyone.

Beware of suspicious links and attachments. Just as anywhere else on the internet, be cautious about clicking on unfamiliar links, ads, or attachments. They could potentially lead to malware, phishing attempts, or scams. Always verify the source and validity of the content before clicking. Read more about different types of cyber threats here: forewarned is forearmed.

Consider using a VPN. While a VPN won’t directly protect you from Reddit’s internal issues, it can enhance your overall online privacy and security. A reliable VPN service like HQ VPN encrypts your internet traffic, hides your IP address, and can help you access Reddit if it’s restricted in your location.

Check for privacy settings. Reddit provides some privacy settings that allow you to control who can send you messages and view your online status. Review and adjust these settings according to your comfort level to limit unwanted interactions.

Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Enable 2FA for your Reddit account. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a secondary verification step, such as a code sent to your mobile device, when logging in.

User Settings>Safety & Privacy>Use 2FA

Keep your software updated. Ensure your web browser and any Reddit-related apps are up to date. Keeping your software current helps protect against known vulnerabilities.


In conclusion, Reddit is a dynamic and diverse platform that offers a world of content and connections. However, it’s not without its safety concerns. Here’s a quick recap of some of the most serious issues you should be aware of:

  1. Data privacy. Reddit’s shift towards monetization and data collection means that your personal information might not always remain as private as you’d like.
  2. Content quality. While Reddit is home to some fantastic discussions and communities, it can also harbor inappropriate or harmful content.
  3. Online interactions. As with any online community, there’s the potential for encounters with trolls, bullies, and predators.
  4. Security risks. Suspicious links and attachments can lead to malware, phishing attempts, or scams.
  5. Surveillance and government requests. Reddit’s compliance with government data requests raises questions about user privacy.

If you’re someone who spends a significant amount of time on Reddit, it’s crucial to heed the safety tips we’ve provided earlier in this post. Protecting your personal information, using strong passwords, reporting inappropriate content, and staying cautious with links and attachments are key practices to ensure your safety. Consider using a VPN to enhance your overall online privacy, too.

Remember, while Reddit can be an open and communal space, it’s always important to prioritize your safety and security in the digital world. Stay safe!